Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Day of Training in TN -Compulsories

9/12/10 - On Sept. 10, the whole FACE team was reunited to each other after 10 days off of team training. While we are here prior to WEG, we will be training 6 days a week (Monday we have off). This was our first 3 day weekend "clinic." It went ok. It deffinatly proved to be a "LEARNING" weekend, really enabling us to set into WEG training mode.

Day 1 - Friday Compulsory Day - Today was the first time I'd ever been to the barn, and boy did (and do) I love it! It's so beautiful there - The horse facility is lovely, the grass is all green, and the environment refreshing and relaxing (well, when it's not pouring rain with thunder and lighteninr!). All of the horses are happy and healthy. Pally, Cheval, and Van Dyck made it to TN piece of cake! I helped Carolyn with some horse chores for the firt part of the day. Turned out the horses, took Pally on the walk, groomed Pally, cleaned his stall, etc... It was fun! Right in my element!

Training was ok, not perfect, but there were good qualities. Everyone was a little rusty from the time off of team training. Some of us had actually almost 10 days off of vaulting completely. Pally had some pent up energy from being in his stall, and is still recovering from the drive to TN. He was a little frisky at practice! We worked a lot on the first 3 comps, also a little scissors/ clicks and stand. With some more focus and "grounded" energy, it would have turned out 10 times better, but hey, first practice! :-)

Barrel training consisted of drills and compulsory run-throughs. Some strength training on the ground, stretching, and a short run.

Blake and I trained on Cheval in the early afternoon, just for fun, but it was actually really good training. We only worked on first 3 comps and stand. Cheval is perfect for that kind of training! I am focusing more and more on my riding seat - Conciously trying to do it like I am riding in the perfect dressage seat, totally in flow with the horse. Let me tell you though, it's much more difficult when you have short legs! hehehehe ;-) My flag seems to be getting stronger. And my mill is on it's way.

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