Sunday, January 24, 2010

1/24/10 - It's so odd to be writing "10" at the end of the date! But that's not the point... The point is looking at that date and realizing that this is the year of the World Equestrian Games, and that I am going to be a part of it. Wow!

Training has been going very well. I am vaulting 4 or 5 days a week right now, and soon to be more with Spring and Summer close ahead. I am working very as hard on my Silver Individual compulsories and freestyle, hoping to give the Silver vaulting level something new and beautiful. The rain has really been in the way of my horse time, blah..., but im really happy that I got a sliver of rainless time yesterday to work on Buddy. Yay!

Just a minor, but major, goal for this year is to become uberly flexible and I think im off to a good start. Needle, check. Over needle on both legs, working on it. Another goal is to create a magnificent vaulting horse out of Bosco, Bosco Allegro. We'll see what kind of weather this week brings, and what kind of vaulting "adventures" I will explore!

1 comment:

  1. Emily you already are uberly flexible! I can't believe how great your website came out or is coming out,it's so neato! Good job 3M!L7
